Abstract Objective Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many services attempted to quickly transition to a remote format. A need to validate remote delivery of neuropsychological measures arose. TestMyBrain (TMB) from the Many Brains Project has been utilizing teleneuropsychology in research since 2017. Method Volunteer research participants (N = 147, Mage = 29, Medu = 15 years, 64.7% white, 54.2% female, 83.2% right-handed, 52.1% utilized Mac Operating System) were administered TMB Verbal Paired Associates(TMBVPA) and WMS-IV Verbal Paired Associates I(VPAI) as part of a larger battery of test via zoom. The WMS-IV assessments adhered to standardization as much as possible such as limiting potential distractions. Results A correlation revealed a positive association between TMBVPA and VPAI r(150) = 0.312, p = < 0.001. A linear regression revealed that performance on the TMBVPA positively predicted performance on the VPAI F(3, 144) = 9.344, p < 0.001 accounting for 16.6% of the variability over and above known demographic variables. The rate of agreeance showed that 23.7% of TMBVPA scores were within a one score difference of the VPAI and 37.4% were within two scores. Conclusions The results suggest that the two remote administration formats may not be as congruent as originally thought. With 62.6% of scores outside of a two-point range and the low rate of agreement this suggests little real-world application of the TMBVPA. Although telepsychology has come a long way, remote neuropsychological measures may still not be a reality any time soon. Future research should compare both remote administration versions to a standardized in person administration as well as consider other factors that can influence administration formats.
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