
The effects of burning cycles and pine basal area levels were assessed on natural pine regeneration and hardwood development in uneven-aged stands of loblolly and shortleaf pines (Pinus taeda L. and P. echinata Mill.). The treatments included an unburned control and prescribed winter burns at 3-, 6-, and 9-yr intervals. Basal area treatments were 9, 14, 18, and 23 m2 ha-1 for the merchantable-pine component and were maintained on a 6-yr cutting cycle using single-tree selection. Ten years after the study was initiated, density and quadrat stocking of pine regeneration were negatively correlated with overstorey basal area. The 6-yr burning cycle had higher pine density and better quadrat stocking of pine regeneration compared with any other bum treatment mainly because the 6-yr burning cycle coincided with a bumper pine seedcrop and the 6-yr cutting cycle. Recurring fires tended to result in reduced size of hardwood competition but had less impact on hardwood density. When considering a prescribed burning program in uneven-aged stands of loblolly and shortleaf pines, more attention should be given to density, quadrat stocking, and size of established pine regeneration and to expected seedcrops rather than to the prosecution of rigid burning schedules.

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