The article analyzes the situation of the majority of logging enterprises in the Far Eastern region associated with the depletion of easily accessible forest areas, which can be developed by traditional logging methods using ground-based integrated systems. Recently, the sphere of logging has shifted to woodlands that show signs of remoteness and ecological dependency and are usually surrounded by mountain slopes with sharp differences in elevation. Such forest fund characteristics negatively affect the cost of logging operations. The authors note that in this regard, there is a need to search for new alternative methods of timber logging and transportation that not only improve the profitability of the work being done, but also its environmental and technological sides. The paper analyzes the studies of local and foreign authors in the field of studying the possibilities of using various vehicles for delivering timber from logging sites in remote forest areas to the distribution points. It is concluded that the only alternative to the currently used road transport is aerial vehicles based on aerostatic lift (hybrid type airships). The article shows the results of theoretical studies on the development of a methodology for finding the most effective model of an airship from the entire range of existing structures operating in specific natural and climatic conditions and comparing it with other types of vehicles for remote forest areas. A method for multi-criteria structural and parametric synthesis based on optimal control principles with the development of a complex target function is proposed. An original technique based on the capabilities of mathematical systems and methods of database management is proposed in order to assess the effectiveness and the possibility of using specific models of aerostatic aircraft in remote forests. The conducted studies are relevant for organizations that need to use air transport to deliver forest products harvested in remote forest areas to consumers. For citation: Abuzov A.V., Ryabukhin P.B. Aerostatic Aircraft for Logging in Remote Forest Areas. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2022, no. 1, pp. 110–127. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2022-1-110-127
It is concluded that the only alternative to the currently used road transport is aerial vehicles based on aerostatic lift
The article shows the results of theoretical studies on the development of a methodology for finding the most effective model of an airship from the entire range of existing structures operating in specific natural and climatic conditions and comparing it with other types of vehicles for remote forest areas
An original technique based on the capabilities of mathematical systems and methods of database management is proposed in order to assess the effectiveness and the possibility of using specific models of aerostatic aircraft in remote forests
В этой связи возникает необходимость поиска новых способов заготовки и транспортировки древесины, позволяющих повысить не только рентабельность выполняемых работ, но и их экологическую и технологическую составляющие. Проанализированы исследования отечественных и зарубежных авторов в области изучения возможностей использования различных транспортных средств для доставки древесины от мест ее заготовки на труднодоступных лесных территориях до пунктов реализации. Показаны результаты теоретических исследований по разработке методики поиска наиболее эффективной модели дирижабля среди всех существующих конструкций, функционирующих в конкретных природно-климатических условиях, и сравнения ее с другими видами транспортных средств для труднодоступной местности. Чтобы оценить эффективность и возможность применения конкретных моделей аэростатических летательных аппаратов в труднодоступных лесных массивах предлагается оригинальная методика, базирующаяся на возможностях математических систем и способов управления базами данных. Проведенные исследования актуальны для организаций, имеющих потребность доставки лесной продукции, заготовленной на труднодоступных лесных территориях, воздушным транспортом. Ключевые слова: труднодоступные лесные территории, воздушные транспортные средства, дирижабль, компромиссное решение, целевая функция, алгоритм, компьютерная программа, заготовка древесины
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