
Ocular tissue engineering and regeneration utilizes various applications and approaches. These include mending the disrupted structure in the corneal epithelium or the retinal ganglion cells. Such applications may incorporate scaffolds of biocompatible, biodegradable, natural, or synthetic polymers. Stem cells can also be used to reproduce vital cells to stabilize vision function. Nanomedicine and nanotechnology are integrated in additive and arrestive ocular therapies to regrow or replace certain ocular tissues to foster regular functioning of the eye. Nanotechnology may also include molecular and gene therapy to regenerate ocular tissue(s). Moreover, transcription factors and signaling mechanisms in developmental pathways are considered for alteration as a way to potentially modify apoptotic routes. Additionally, it has also been found that the frog Xenopus laevis can regrow its eyes. This can pave the way for more investigation into how such regenerative processes can potentially translate into conducting ocular repair in human eyes. Nonetheless, penetration of ocular barriers in response to topical treatments and approaches should be considered for further comparison to nanomedicine.

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