
The three eastern boundary ecosystems comparable to the Benguela ecosystem (BCE) display differences and commonalities. The California (CalCE) and Humboldt Current (HCE) ecosystems are continuous topographically, whereas the Canary Current ecosystem (CanCE) is interrupted by the Gulf of Cadiz and the Canaries archipelago. All have similar regimes of equatorward flow over shelf and slope associated with upwelling and a subsurface poleward flow over the slope, though in the HCE multiple flows and counter-flows appear offshore. All systems exhibit year round upwelling in their centre and seasonal upwelling at their extremes as the trade wind systems that drive them migrate north and south, though the HCE is strongly skewed toward the equator. All systems vary on scales from the event or synoptic scale of a few days, through seasonal, to inter-decadal and long term. Productivity of each system follows the upwelling cycle, though intra-regional variations in nutrient content and forcing cause significant variability within regions. The CanCE is relatively unproductive compared to the CalCE and HCE as a result of differences in large scale circulation between the Pacific and Atlantic. The latter two systems are dominated by El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability on a scale of 4-7 years. Physical modeling with the Princeton Ocean Model and the Regional Oceanic Modeling System has advanced recently to the stage of reproducing realistic mesoscale features and energy levels with climatic wind forcing. Operational forecasting by these models with assimilation of sea surface temperature and other data is successfully implemented in CalCE. On longer time scales, the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory model is able to hindcast El Nino variability over the long term up to 2 years in advance. Empirical ecological models in all three systems have attempted prediction of permissible catch level (fractional Maximum Sustainable Yield), recruitment, catches or onset of migration with lack of continued success, partly because discontinuous or inadequate observations hamper model implementation and assessment. Moreover, empirical models tuned to particular environments fail when fundamental regime shifts occur. One of the most successful approaches is that of intensive monitoring of catch and environmental parameters linked to an informal Operational Management Procedure (OMP) to inform fisheries management off Peru. This OMP contributed to preservation of anchovy stock during the 1997-8 El Nino but remains to be formalized or tested under varying conditions. Prediction on time scales of global warming are uncertain because physical climate models still disagree on whether upwelling will intensify or weaken. Possible scenarios on decadal scale based on warming or cooling of waters in the Eastern Boundary Current systems can be proffered, albeit with little confidence at present. Future approaches for all systems, including the BCE, will in the long run likely combine coupled atmospheric/ocean models with biological process models. Judicious application of purely statistical modeling based on inherent time series properties will assist, though such techniques are unable to cope with regime shifts.

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