
This chapter describes the use of the Matlab Symbolic Toolbox. Symbolic functions, variables, and matrices are defined. Matlab symbolic functions for manipulating, generating, expanding, and simplifying symbolic expressions are given. It is shown how variableprecision arithmetic may be used in symbolic calculations, and this is illustrated using the Borweins' algorithm for the accurate computation of Matlab symbolic functions for series expansion, and summation, differentiation, and integration, including infinite limits, are given and applied. The use of the Matlab inverse and the eigenvalue functions with symbolic matrices is illustrated. Symbolic methods for the solution of single equations and systems of equations are given. Examples of the symbolic solution of differential equations are given. The Laplace, Z -, and Fourier transforms are introduced and their use illustrated. Linking symbolic and numerical processes is illustrated by applications to Newton's method for single and multiple equations without user-supplied derivatives. Problems and solutions are provided.

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