
The 8th International Week of Science, Technology, and Innovation (8th IWSTI) took place from 21 to 24 September de 2021, in the city of San José de Cúcuta, Colombia, and was organized by the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander headquarters in San José de Cúcuta and Ocaña. The 8th IWSTI is aimed at the academic and scientific community and to the productive sectors of the region, and have a purpose are the dissemination of academic, and research works; moreover, promotes the exchange of experiences between researchers as well as the participation of the productive sectors in research, extension, technological development, and innovation activities for contribution to strengthening the relationship School-University-Company-State.The 8th IWSTI generated spaces for the exchange experiences academic and scientific in different knowledge areas between students, teachers, entrepreneurs, and researchers from the United States of America, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Perú, Venezuela, and Colombia. Additionally, during the 8th IWSTI, was held the V Interinstitutional Conference of Research Seedbeds, which has as the main goal to socialize the research proposals and research results, obtained in different areas of knowledge, by the Research Seedbeds of all Educational Institutions of Norte de Santander, SIES+, Colombia.The organizing committee of the 8th IWSTI is extremely thankful to all participants for providing their valuable contributions as well as the reviewers for their recommendations and constructive criticism that help to improve the articles presented in this volume of proceedings. The articles refer to one of the following topics addressed in the 8th IWSTI: Modeling, Simulation, and Diagnostics, Physical-Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Characterization of Materials. Likewise, we like to thank the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander (UFPS), and the Foundation of Researchers in Materials Science and Technology (FORISTOM), for all the support technical and logistical received.Finally, the editor hopes that those interested in the area of research, technology, and innovation in sciences and engineering will enjoy reading this volume of the Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), which reflects a wide variety of current issues, contributing to the generation and transfer of knowledge, as well as to the strengthening of research in science and engineering in Colombia. “Education and expression freedom for anyone”. List of Organizing Committee, National Scientific Committee, International Scientific Committee, Logistic, Sponsor, Partners are available in this pdf.

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