
The XVI National Meeting on Optics and VII Andean and Caribbean Conference on Optics and its applications (XVI ENO - VII CANCOA) were successfully held together from 26th to 30th of November, 2019, at the Universidad de Cordoba, Montería, Colombia. The events brought together Colombian and Latin-American students, professionals, and researchers with interests on optics and photonics, thus offering them the opportunity to share and discuss their last research and findings, as well as to facilitate and encourage their mutual cooperation. This Proceedings issue compiles oral and poster presentations that were submitted by the authors and rigorously reviewed by a special committee designated by the Journal of Physics Conference Series (JPCS) editor for Colombian Conferences led by the Foundation of Researches in Science and Technology of Materials (FORISTOM).In order to organize the XVI ENO - VII CANCOA according to the slogan Light and optics for the Colombian Caribbean Region, the “Red Colombiana de Óptica (RCO)” with the sponsor of the universities at the Colombian Caribbean Region. The main goal was to present the Colombian Caribbean as a region with growing interests and maturity in topics related to optics and photonics. A total of 63 oral presentations and 22 posters were presented. Four recognitions were given: two of them for undergraduate presentations and the other two for graduate presentations.The RCO is a nonprofit society that seeks the strengthening of collaborations between researchers in optics, photonics, and spectroscopy in Colombia. It also encourages the dissemination of knowledge in optics, photonics, and spectroscopy in all areas of knowledge. More information about the network can be found on the webpage www.srco.org.co.The National Meeting on Optics was created to facilitate the exchange of ideas between Colombian researchers on optics and photonics. The first meeting was held in 1987 in Medellín, Colombia and has been realized without interruption with two-year of periodicity.The organizing and editorial committee of the XVI ENO - VII CANCOA hopes you enjoy the reading of this volume of the JPCS. Besides, we wish to thank all authors and participants for providing their valuable contributions for this proceeding as well as the reviewers for their constructive recommendations and criticism aiding to improve the presented articles. Likewise, we are confident that this issue will serve as a reference for optics, spectroscopy and photonics research in Colombia and Latin-America.List of Organizing Committee, Scientific Committee, Editorial Committee, Invited Speakers, Organizing Institutions, Sponsors, Logos, Photos are available in this pdf.

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