
November 25, 2022 marked the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Training Doctors for Missile, Land and Airborne Troops of the Military Medical Academy, and June 22, 2023 will mark the 80th anniversary of its first graduation. A real historical study is devoted to these anniversary events. Based on archival and literary data, the main stages of the development and formation of the faculty are traced, its contribution to the training of military medical personnel is shown. The faculty is essentially the same age as the Academy, for this reason, the analysis of the modern views of the historians of the Academy on the date of its foundation was carried out. Based on previously published data, it is shown that the starting point of the academys existence is the decisions of Peter I on the establishment of general hospitals and medical schools in 1715. Brief biographical references of the heads of faculties are given, many details have been clarified in recent years and were absent in earlier editions. The role of Major General of the medical service L.N. is separately indicated. Obraztsova participated in the collection and preservation of historical data about the faculty, the creation of a museum and first editions and articles. The service and scientific achievements of graduates of the faculty, their contribution to science and education are described. Special attention is paid to participation in armed conflicts and Special military operations, as well as the fight against the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection. The actual data on graduates of the faculty, which can be used in military-historical work, are also given. The work complements and expands both the general information about the faculty and supplements the information accumulated over the past 10 years, since the last publication about the faculty.

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