
Abstract The study was conducted to identify effects of a decreased interval of progesterone on the ovulatory follicle before fixed-timed artificial insemination (FTAI) by altering the day of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH;00µg gonadorelin; Cystorelin) administration. Evaluation of the 7 & 7 Synch and altered estrous synchronization protocols was done using estrus expression (EE) and FTAI pregnancy rates (PR). Using frozen conventional Angus semen (Select Sires, Inc. Plain City, OH), Angus-cross heifers (n = 68) from the University of Arkansas beef cattle research unit near Fayetteville were stratified into two treatment groups by cyclicity status (CYC) and age. Cyclicity status was determined by using a reproductive tract score (RTS) taken one week prior to beginning synchronization. Scores ranged from 1-5, where RTS 1-3 were considered pre- or peripubertal while scores 4 and 5 were considered cycling. Heifers with a RTS of and 2 were culled prior to synchronization. Each treatment used a controlled internal drug releasing device (CIDR; Eazi-breed; 1.38g progesterone) inserted intravaginally on –14 d simultaneous to the administration of a prostaglandin F2α analogue (PGF; 500 µg cloprostenol sodium; Synchsure). In the first treatment (7 & 7), GnRH was administered on –7 d. In the second treatment (8 & 6), GnRH was administered on –6 d. Both treatments were then administered PGF simultaneous to CIDR removal on 0d, 72 ±h prior to FTAI and the administration of GnRH. Estrus expression was recorded at the time of FTAI using an Estrotect patch (Rockway Inc., Spring Valley, WI). Estrus expression was determined as a patch with 50% or more of the color rubbed off. On the contrary, a patch with less than 50% of the color rubbed off, was not. Pregnancy rates was determined via ultrasound on 58 d. Estrus expression and PR were analyzed by treatment using the GLIMMIX procedure on SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) with CYC as a fixed effect for EE; CYC and EE as fixed effects for PR. Statistical differences were determined with α ≤ 0.05 and tendencies were observed between 0.06-0.1. There was an effect of CYC on EE (P = 0.001) and a tendency to affect PR (P = 0.088). There was no treatment effect on EE (P = 0.892) or PR (P = 0.708). In conclusion, the altered time of GnRH administration in the 7 & 7 synch at 72 ± hours did not affect EE or PR; however, research will continue to investigate adjusting length of time from PGF injection to FTAI to evaluate the effects.

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