
Monitoring the database management system's (DBMS) performance indicators is one of the best ways to diagnose how well or badly the DBMS is performing. These indicators can be thought of as a DBMS's performance “vital signs” and can be calculated using counters, gauges, or details of the DBMS's internal activities. Monitoring performance indicators can ultimately help one determine the areas to which the tuning efforts should be directed. To get a better idea of which indicators and which internal activities are concerned, the path a query follows inside a DBMS is considered from its submission to the point when a result set or a return code is produced. Immediately after a query is entered into the system, it is transformed into an access plan by the optimizer. The access plan is one of the performance indicators that tells one how well the optimizer is contributing to the overall performance of the system. This is the first place to look whenever a query presents performance problems. An access plan causes other internal subsystems to run on its behalf, which answers the query a plan represents.

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