
The purpose of this study is to present the effect of using Dynamic Geometry Software Cabri 3D on spatial orientation skills of the 7 th grade student while teaching the geometry subject of multiple cubical objects. It is also aimed to investigate the correlations among spatial orientation skill, mathematics achievement and level of geometry understanding of the students. The quasi-experimental model was used in the study. There were 41 students in experimental group and 45 students in control group. Experiment group students took the course with the assistance of Cabri 3D while the control group students received traditional instruction for two weeks. Both group students took spatial orientation test before and after the implementation and van Hiele geometry understanding test only after the study. The results of the study showed that the learning environment designed for the experimental group was more effective for developing students’ spatial orientation skills. In addition, a positive and significant correlation was found between achievement in mathematics and spatial orientation skills as geometry understanding levels and spatial orientation skills. Teachers who want to improve their students’ spatial orientation skills could design such an environment as in the present study.

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