
In this chapter, glasses and glass-ceramics that are used in various biomedical applications are discussed. Initially, the publication trend on bioactive glasses and glass-ceramics during the last 25 years (1990–2014) and a brief chronological history of biomedical glasses and glass-ceramics are provided. These are followed by a brief account of bioactive glasses, bioactive glass-ceramics, bioactive glass and glass-ceramic scaffolds, bioactive glass composites, bioactive glass coatings, antibacterial and drug delivery bioactive glasses, radioactive glass microspheres for malignant tumors, nanobioactive glasses, bioactive bulk metallic glasses, and glass ionomer cements. Some of the important topics of these descriptions are composition of bioactive glasses and glass-ceramics, bone bonding mechanism with bioactive glasses through the formation of hydroxyl carbonate apatite layers with experimental evidences, mechanism of antibacterial activity and local delivery of drugs by bioactive glass particulates, distribution of radioactive glass microspheres in the liver for treatment of malignant tumors, etc. Finally, a summarized list of functional applications of various types of biomedical glasses and glass-ceramics along with future outlook is offered.

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