
Law No. 6284, which is the primary source in Turkish law in preventing and combating violence against women, regulates different types of restraining and protection orders for the protection of victims of violence. The law separately regulates different types of protection orders of judicial and administrative authorities, and the protection orders that can be granted by the administrative authorities include providing proper housing/relocating to a woman’s shelter, temporary financial assistance, guidance, and counseling; temporary physical protection; and free child care services. However, apart from improper practices, the content of these regulations and principles of implementation prevent effective implementation. Therefore, considerable duty falls on the competent authorities and the relevant agencies in the implementation of the measure to provide the aimed prevention and protection. Accordingly, thorough comprehension of the purpose, scope, and content of the law and the relevant provisions of the Istanbul Convention is important to achieve the aimed prevention and protection. In this regard, the regulations on the protection orders granted by administrative authorities, principles of implementation, relevant provisions of the Istanbul Convention, and problems faced in practice were evaluated and solutions were provided.

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