
Abstract The prime graph Δ ⁢ ( G ) \Delta(G) of a finite group 𝐺 is a graph whose vertex set is the set of prime factors of the degrees of all irreducible complex characters of 𝐺, and two distinct primes 𝑝 and 𝑞 are joined by an edge if the product p ⁢ q pq divides some character degree of 𝐺. In 2014, Tong-Viet [H. P. Tong-Viet, Finite groups whose prime graphs are regular, J. Algebra 397 (2014), 18–31] proposed the following conjecture. Let 𝐺 be a group and let k ≥ 5 k\geq 5 be odd. If the prime graph Δ ⁢ ( G ) \Delta(G) is 𝑘-regular, then Δ ⁢ ( G ) \Delta(G) is a complete graph of order k + 1 k+1 . In this paper, we show that if the prime graph Δ ⁢ ( G ) \Delta(G) of a finite nonsolvable group 𝐺 is 5-regular, then Δ ⁢ ( G ) \Delta(G) is isomorphic to the complete graph K 6 K_{6} or possibly the graph depicted in the first figure below. Moreover, if 𝐺 is an almost simple group, then Δ ⁢ ( G ) \Delta(G) is isomorphic to the complete graph K 6 K_{6} .

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