
New mobile network technologies, particularly 5G, have spurred a growth in smart healthcare networks. They enable real-time monitoring, personalized treatments, and more. However, these transformative capabilities have also uncovered potential vulnerabilities, emphasizing the urgency to safeguard patient data and healthcare services. This study analyzes the existing research on 5G-based smart healthcare network security with a specific emphasis on fake base station attacks. The research investigates potential security measures to mitigate the impact of fake base station attacks. And based on those findings, we propose a detection scheme to help combat fake base station threats effectively and to avoid the need to install individual apps on smart devices, providing a foothold for future efforts to develop and deploy better countermeasures. To ensure a secure and resilient ecosystem for 5G-based smart healthcare, continuous research and proactive measures are required. By staying vigilant and committed to research and development, we can protect patient privacy, ensure secure data transmission, and enhance the quality of services within smart healthcare networks and other mobile network applications alike.

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