
The 5 th International Seminar (June 5-6, 2015), as traditionally organized by the Journal of Educational, Cultural and American Psychological Studies, born in close thematic link with the theoretical approaches and procedural methods of research undertaken through the PRIN Project (2010-2011) «Educational Achievement, Social Inclusion and Cohesion: Innovative Strategies, ICT and Evaluation Models». The speakers and the researchers of the seven Italian universities participating in PRIN (Torino, Verona, Bologna Roma Tre, Roma Sapienza, Foggia, Palermo) were called to intervene on the possibility of identifying a connection between the research methodologies in education, the underlying theories and their empirical practicality in the school context. In relation to the topics covered in the study day, they can be identified the reflections concern how to combine theory and practice to make empirical research in education. During the discussion it was underlined the importance of the fact that theoretical and operational decisions in education are the expression of an evaluation based on reliable empirical data.

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