
As a human being every one has got the ability to think and process complex information according to their requirements, although, the amount of information or combination of information that can be hold by an individual is still not known. How much complex information can be handled and processed by a brain sometimes depends on training, but it is hard to conclude for an individual that the brain is only capable of understanding and processing a certain amount of instructions. The study of the human brain itself offers an opportunity to learn and explore new possibilities in science and technology. In disease diagnosis and prognosis, many new significant findings and observations have been uncovered that are now helping doctors and academicians make conclusions to improve existing technologies. The study of brain can also be done through various methodologies, one of which is through measuring brain waves. The measurement and analysis of brain waves gives a glimpse of neuronal activations and allows studying the functionality of different brain areas. These brain waves can be acquired and collected in the form of electrical signals. The acquisition of brain signals can be done by putting sensors inside the skin or scalp, although this is an invasive and risky course of action. Another method where sensors are implanted above the skin is noninvasive but comparatively noisy in nature, which makes it difficult to extract useful information. An interconnection between the brain and an external device to acquire and process a signal to generate different outcomes as well as command and control instructions is called a brain-computer interface (BCI). The aim of this chapter is to delineate different procedures involved with noninvasive brain signal acquisition and further processing with the help of advanced computing techniques. It also describes the significance of artificial intelligence (AI) to implement a reliable BCI system. AI-enabled BCI systems are currently at a rudimentary level of development. Research and experiments in this domain would help comprehend brain activities more profoundly to gain advanced human-machine interactions and revolutionize the human era in an unprecedented healthier and stronger way.

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