
Within the Pauline letters, the expression <||>God sent his (own) son<||> appears in only two verses, i.e., in Galatians 4:4 and Romans 8:3. Exegetes too often consider these two Pauline verses in connection with other similar Johannine texts. Some even speak of a <||>sending formula.<||> As a formula, the expression contains in itself an intentional indication of incarnation in the johannine literature. This study focuses on these two verses, and attempts an investigation of Paul's Christology. After having examined the text and the context of these two verses, Ⅰ discuss their vision of Christology, which is called in this study <||>A Christology of the Cross.<||> Being dynamic, this Christology aims towards the Cross as its climax, which in Pauline theology is not disconnected with Resurrection. The Cross becomes the most condensed and most important moment in the life of Christ, and it is here that the Father manifests himself most fully and completely. In the crucified and yet risen body of Christ, the Father reveals himself in the most embodied way as the Father, i.e., as Love and as Power.

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