
Before undertaking transformation to a Lean Maintenance operation one should be familiar with general concepts. In order to acquire in-depth knowledge in the implementation of Lean Practices one needs more than attendance at a one-week seminar on the principles of Lean. Ideally, the knowledge of lean implementation would be the result of having been involved in a successful implementation. However, it is unlikely that many manufacturing plant maintenance organizations will have an asset with that kind of experience. But that level of know-how is critical to the success of transformation. The next step in Lean Maintenance transformation is the assignment of the plant's project manager (PM) for the transformation. Once the plant's Lean maintenance PM has been assigned, his work begins virtually immediately. He must develop and deploy the actual “program” or project team—this is a team of the maintenance and maintenance support leaders—and begin their education. Once the project team membership is finalized, a series of at least three familiarization-training sessions should be conducted with the group—session one explains the purpose of Lean maintenance transformation and preeminent principles; session two focuses on using lean maintenance implementation tools; session three states roles and responsibilities of lean transformation project team members.

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