
eLearning solutions face challenges that are leading a group of researchers to doubt its efficiency. Challenges include lack of adaptation in the eLearning process. Pedagogical challenges in eLearning are related to the activities and the learning path of the eLearning process itself. Microservices architecture can be thought of as an architectural style for developing applications as suites of small and independent software services. Each Microservice is built around a business capability; it runs in its own process and it communicates with the other Microservices in an application through lightweight mechanisms. This chapter presents a novel pedagogical eLearning solution that includes adaptive features presented to students based on their learning preferences, and to instructors to empower them through eLearning. Presented adaptive features utilize Neutrosophic theory as an intelligence enabler and main enabler. The model presented proposes nine intelligent Microservices: intelligent learning objects classifier, intelligent online learning objects advisor, intelligent student performance tracker, intelligent cheating depressor, intelligent time-to-learn topic calculator, intelligent study plan advisor, intelligent agenda study time planner, intelligent meeting manager for suspended students, and intelligent learning objects recommender.

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