
A parallel code named NEPTUNE for 3D fully electromagnetic and particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations is introduced, which could run on the Linux system with hundreds to thousand CPUs. NEPTUNE is suitable to simulate entire 3D HPM devices; many HPM devices are simulated and designed by using it. In NEPTUNE code, the electromagnetic fields are updated by using the finite-difference in time domain (FDTD) method of solving Maxwell equations and the particles are moved by using Buneman-Boris advance method of solving relativistic Newton-Lorentz equation. Electromagnetic fields and particles are coupled by using liner weighing interpolation PIC method, and the electric filed components are corrected by using Boris method of solve Poisson equation in order to ensure charge-conservation. NEPTUNE code could construct many complicated geometric structures, such as arbitrary axial-symmetric structures, plane transforming structures, slow-wave-structures, coupling holes, foils, and so on. The boundary conditions used in NEPTUNE code are introduced in brief, including perfectly electric conductor boundary, external wave boundary, and particle boundary. Finally, some typical HPM devices are simulated and test by using NEPTUNE code, including MILO, RBWO, VCO, and RKA. The simulation results are with correct and credible physical images, and the parallel efficiencies are also given. (authors)

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