
Oblique section reconstruction (OSR) can produce a 3D image from a single micrograph of a section through a 2D or 3D crystal. Resolution, however, is limited in a direction perpendicular to the section plane. When data from sections cut at different orientations are combined, the inherent resolution limitation for single sections can be overcome. In the extreme, combination of sections cut oblique to different principal planes of the unit cell can produce a 3D reconstruction with isotropic resolution. The merging of data from different sections requires determination of section thickness and orientation. A method for section thickness determination is described that is generally applicable even to space groups with little or no symmetry. In addition, an approach has been developed to determine rotational orientation within the hexagonal lattice of insect flight muscle. Finally, an iterative least-squares fitting method is applied to determine a 3D set of deconvoluted structure factors from the merged data.

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