
3D printing technology has been in existence for several decades and has long been used exclusively for industrial manufacturing or product prototyping, and today this rapidly progressing technology penetrates more and more effectively into creativity fields. It encourages re-evaluation of the possibilities and methods that every person today can create, model, change their living environment. Opens up new possibilities for customized architectural and product design. The world-wide technological experiments provide new and still untapped tools for future developers. The article analyzes the current situation of recent decade in the Western world regarding the use of three dimensional (3D) press in relation to the living environment. The study highlights emerging trends and new opportunities for creativity for architects and designers. From printing complex geometrical structures to practical application in product design. The research analyzes the research of different authors, and some significant technological innovations. All this makes it possible to concentrate and effectively evaluate the direction of the development of this industry and the expected result for the future development of architecture in contemporary digital age. Since 3D printing in architecture and landscape design is not yet widely used, the article discusses the most recent experiments conducted by various researchers in recent years, reflecting the trends of the fourth industrial revolution and which can influence further architectural development. The research methodology is based on historical research, analogical descriptive and comparative methods. The results of the research suggest that, as the 3d printing technology grows and develops, architecture and the design of the environment will acquire a wider variety of artistic expression.

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