
AbstractWireless systems are facing increasing pressure due to the growing demand for data transmission. One potential solution to this problem is to shift communication frequencies toward the terahertz (THz) spectrum. However, this requires the development of new components that can efficiently process signals at these high frequencies and transmit them via highly directional beams. In this study, a novel approach is proposed to achieving efficient THz signal processing by combining two existing technologies: photonic crystals and leaky‐wave antennas. Incorporating a 2D photonic crystal inside a leaky‐wave waveguide allows to manipulate the wave vector of the guided wave in unique ways, which in turn impacts the far‐field radiation pattern emitted through the leaky‐wave aperture. The device fabrication uses 3D printing of alumina and allows for convenient and scalable manufacturing. Through numerical simulations and experiments, free‐space data transmission at rates of few hundred Mbps at a carrier frequency of 101.2 GHz is demonstrated. The findings illustrate the feasibility of photonic crystal‐based leaky‐wave antennas and lay the groundwork for the development of compact and high‐performance components for THz wireless communication systems.

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