
This paper presents a 3-D reconstruction method IBM(image based modeling) of an image that does not contain any camera information. This system adopts a 3D reconstruction method based on a model. Model-based 3D reconstruction recovers an image using the geometric characteristics of a pre-defined polyhedron model. It uses a pre-defined polyhedron model as the primitive and the 3D reconstruction is processed by mapping the correspondence point of the primitive model onto the picture image. Existing model-based 3D reconstruction methods were used for the reconstruction of camera parameters or error method through iteration. However, we proposed a method for a primitive model that uses the segment and the center of the segment for the reconstruction process. This method enables the reconstruction of the primitive model to be processed using the minimum camera parameters (e.g. focal length) during the segment reconstruction process.KeywordsLine SegmentSingle ImageUser InputCurve LineCamera CalibrationThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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