
Abstract Industrial mixing processes have attracted research over the last decade because rapid and effective mixing of the materials in a mixture is crucial for the production of novel materials. The method of mixing directly affects the physical and chemical properties of the resulting mixture. Different mixing processes have been developed to create a range of polymers with specific properties for
applications such as tissue engineering, artificial muscles, and soft robots.
The mixing process of RTV 2710 silicone rubber and Catalyst CX catalyst was carried out using the Halvorsen, Newton Leipnik, Hadley, and Sprott A. systems. Numerical values were obtained by solving chaotic differential equations. The speed of the DC motor that actuated the mixing propeller changed chaotically. To save energy, the energy values were measured and the Hadley-2 signal was found to be the least energy-consuming chaotic signal. SCARA tracked trajectories for all chaotic systems, samples were obtained, and tensile tests were carried out. The highest average values of force and average tensile strength were obtained in the Sprott A. chaotic system. Finally, samples with constant position and Hadley 2 velocity, and Sprott A. position and Hadley 2 velocity, were produced and subjected to a tensile test. As a result, the highest average force and average tensile strength results were obtained from the Sprott A. position and the Hadley 2 velocity.

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