
Abstract 3-Carboxybenzophenone (3-CB) was successfully employed in the photooxidation of a selected methionine derivative: methionyl-leucine (Met-Leu). It is also demonstrated that this photosensitizer has an advantage over its isomer, 4-carboxybenzophenone (4-CB), which is a commonly used water-soluble organic photosensitizer. The relative advantage of 3-CB over 4-CB lies in fact that the 3-CB derived transients have less absorption than the corresponding photoinduced transients from 4-CB. In particular ketyl radicals (3-CBH ) and ketyl radical anions (3-CB − ) are substantially less absorbing in the visible and near UV regions (i.e. 370–420 nm) than are the respective transients derived from 4-CB. This feature is very important since it allows a better sampling of the absorption spectra of three-electron-bonded radicals S∴N and S∴O resulting from the sensitized photooxidation of methionine derivatives by triplet 3-CB acting as an electron acceptor. This advantage of 3-CB over 4-CB was demonstrated during spectral resolutions of transient absorption spectra formed during the 3-CB-sensitized photooxidation of Met-Leu. Since the kinetic and spectral characteristics of free radicals and radical ions derived from 3-CB were not determined previously, pulse radiolysis was employed to determine molar absorption coefficients and selected rate constants for the 3-CB radical anion (3-CB − ) and its ketyl radical (3-CBH ). Rate constants were measured for the protonation of 3-CB − by water ( k H 2 O = 5.1 × 10 2 M − 1 s − 1 ) and by H + ( k H + = 6.4 × 10 10 M − 1 s − 1 ). In addition, the acid–base equilibrium constant K a of 3-CBH was characterized by a p K a = 9.5 (±0.1). This K a value is more than one order of magnitude smaller than the literature value of K a for 4-CBH (p K a = 8.2). This observation was interpreted in terms of the difference in electron densities on the carbonyl oxygen atoms in these ketyl radicals, confirmed by DFT (PBE1PBE) calculations and based on a thermodynamic cycle of the protonation process. Using the newly determined p K a value, rate constants for the OH − -assisted deprotonation ( k ( 3 -CBH + HO − ) = 8.9 × 10 8 M − 1 s − 1 ) and the spontaneous dissociation ( k ( 3 -CBH dissociation ) = 20 s − 1 ) of 3-CBH were calculated. Moreover, molar absorption coefficients ( ɛ ) for all of the intermediates derived from 3-CB were measured by pulse radiolysis and laser flash photolysis methods. They were found to be: ɛ 550 (3-CBH ) = 2700 (±200) M −1 cm −1 , ɛ 600 (3-CB − ) = 5200 (±300) M −1 cm −1 , and ɛ 520 ( 3 3-CB*) = 5400 (±300) M −1 cm −1 .

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