
The Isua supracrustal belt of southern West Greenland is the largest body of early Archaean supracrustal rocks, and as such has been the focus of numerous studies to characterise early Earth processes. Based on new geochronological constraints we re-interpret the Isua supracrustal belt stratigraphy and re-evaluate Nd isotopic constraints for the early Earth from Isua supracrustal belt rocks. Part of the belt (∼ 50%) consists of a package of mafic chloritic schists (the garbenschiefer unit), layered amphibolites and felsic rocks, mica (±kyanite) schists and banded iron formation (BIF), and is interpreted as a sequence of mafic to felsic volcanic/volcanosedimentary rocks, turbidites and pelites with minor gabbro. Graded felsic volcanic, in this package have yielded a UPb zircon age of ∼ 3710 Ma. Along the southern side of the belt, a package of amphibolites and ultramafic schists with BIF layers, interpreted as a mafic to ultramafic volcanic sequence, is cut by tonalite sheets with U-Pb zircon ages of 3790–3800 Ma. Thus the belt contains at least two unrelated supracrustal packages of different ages (⪖ 3790 Ma and ∼ 3710 Ma), that were probably juxtaposed in the early Archaean. Felsic volcanic rocks from a single ∼ 3710 Ma unit have consistent initial ϵNd values of +0.8 to + 1.8, suggesting minimal fractionation of Nd from Sm during later metamorphism. They may have formed from a depleted (but not ultra-depleted) mantle source only a short time before 3710 Ma, with or without a contribution from LREE-enriched crust of 3750–3870 Ma with ϵ Nd(3800) of + 2 to +4. There is debate as to whether the 3806 ± 2 Ma ‘A6’ felsic unit with ϵ Nd(3800) of + 1.0 to +2.9 is derived from volcanic rocks or from granitoid sheets. Thus in the published Isua supracrustal belt Nd database there are no samples which are definitely > 3710 Ma supracrustal or clearly mantle-derived rocks. Given the problems of locally intense alteration, the presence of supracrustal rocks of two or more ages and of older inherited crustal components in some samples, the Isua supracrustal belt is not the ideal locality to find definitive answers on early Archaean mantle evolution.

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