
The Performance Appraisal of the employees’ job performance is evaluated as per the standards already set for the category such as leadership, teamwork, output, supervision etc. This study is made to know about the Pros and Cons of the Performance Appraisal methods that are adopted in many organisations. The Management get to know the strengths and weaknesses of the organisations using the 360-degree feedback. Here an attempt is made to focus on the effectiveness of the performance appraisal system in various educational institutions in Kerala. Various arts colleges are considered for this study. It is very important to know the present scenario of education that is being imparted to the students who are the pillars for the next generations. The employees are expected to have a high degree of commitment and effort and the performance appraisal should be considered as an important function of every employer. The Performance Appraisal, if done rightly, can lead to better performance of the employees and ultimate effectiveness. It is also a systematic way for ensuring that the employer and the employee discuss regularly on the current/existing performance, the issues and arrive at consensus which will be beneficial for both. Here we have made an effort to Study on the performance appraisal system which is done to improve the condition for a better performance of employees at various colleges and know the effectiveness of various appraisal systems. The usual way of Top Down Performance Appraisal, in which only the supervisor appraises the subordinate is changed and even the subordinate has a chance to review the supervisor and vice-versa is practised in 360-degree performance appraisal. This paper contributes primary study of 360-degree feedback, the needs to link leader assessment and development efforts to individual, team, and organisation results and its need in educational institutions.

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