
With a growing demand for high-value crops such as nuts, fruits and vegetables, both the importance of insect pollinators ensuring the production of these and the public awareness of the need for pollination are growing. While other species like bumblebees or leafcutter bees can be of value in specific cropping situations, the European or Western honeybee, Apis mellifera, is the only insect pollinator which can be provided at scale to commercial producers. This is driving the development of large-scale pollination providers and migratory beekeeping strategies, putting considerable stress on the bees themselves. Simultaneously, honey-focused industries are emerging in countries with strong monofloral honey prices such as New Zealand or Turkey. In New Zealand, commercial beekeeping has become the next industry that can and should be the target of livestock breeding efforts. The specific biology of A. mellifera (polyandry, sperm storage, mating on the wing) brings with it some obstacles to a structured breeding program through the absence of a traditional pedigree. As a result, no efforts have been made to introduce a structured breeding program in New Zealand. Currently, neither honey producers nor dedicated queen breeders have a way to verify progress made on a stud level in a commercial operation. By using genomic information, the gap of missing pedigree information can be addressed. In collaboration with a large-scale beekeeping company, we have developed strategies for data collection and genotyping in a commercial population of Apis mellifera Ligustica that is continuously supplied with elite queens. With the help of genomic data, breeders are enabled to establish large-scale progeny tests, manage genetic diversity, and provide producers with genetics ideally suited for their production system. With the experience gained in a small high-value market like New Zealand, we hope to provide a basis for similar developments in other countries in the future.

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