
Publisher Summary This chapter describes procedure that deals specifically with the use of tunicamycin in the production of unglycosylated interferon induced by polyinosinate-polycytidylate [poly(I) . poly(C)] in cultures of human foreskin fibroblasts. A similar procedure with 2-deoxy-o-glucose or o-glucosamine as inhibitor is reported. Production of interferon in FS-4 cells by the superinduction procedure has been described. Only the steps involving tunicamycin treatment of the cell culture are described. Tunicamycin is a complex molecule consisting of one residue of uridine and two residues of N-acetyl-o-glucosamine, with the amino hydrogen in one of these residues substituted by a long-chain fatty acid. Four major components is identified in tunicamycin preparations that differ in fatty acid chain length; the molecular weight of each component is determined to be 970, 984, 998, and 1012, respectively. A more recent study demonstrated that tunicamycin can be resolved into two major and eight minor components by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

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