
The demand for organic cotton in textile sector is increasing due to its inherent fibre properties. It is the cotton that is grown, harvested and processed without the use of chemical fertilizer, pesticide or herbicide, growth regulator or defoliant. The main aim of organic cotton cultivation is restoration of soil fertility, reduction of production cost and better price for the certified organic harvest. Another way to reduce the human risk to save the environment is Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), that is, to grow cotton with judicious use of water, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The objective of this chapter is to highlight the benefits associated with the production of organic cotton and BCI cotton compared to the conventional production of cotton. The authors have tried to emphasise the importance of organic cotton farming, which is sustainable, eco-friendly and generates a healthy livelihood for farmers. As in conventional cotton production, overuses and misuses of pesticides/crop protection products causes an adverse effect on the environment and agriculture workers. So, to reduce this effect, organic and BCI cotton came into existence. Beside benefits in environmental and social aspects, organic cotton is economic and has reduced cost of production as it eliminates the cost for the use of agrochemicals for its cultivation. BCI cotton is to improve the environment and increase the income of cotton growers on sustainable bases. The BCI exists to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in and better for the sector's future. In this chapter, manufacturing methods, benefits and applications of organic and BCI cotton are discussed.

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