
This chapter presents the experimental methods of measuring the nuclear spins and moments. The electric and magnetic interactions of a nucleus with its surroundings are represented in terms of multipole expansions. The contributions from moments higher than magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole are negligible and it helps to define generalized moments. The molecular beam technique provides methods to study the electric and magnetic properties of atoms and molecules as the molecules in the beam are far apart to interact with each other and they travel in the absence of external fields along straight paths without collisions. The chapter describes the techniques that can be applied to nuclear states with life-times of a few hours or more if sufficient material is available for efficient detection. Short lived nuclear states are investigated by studying the electromagnetic or particle radiations emitted, and assumption about nuclear properties must be made before spins, parities and moments can be evaluated. The spins and parities of nuclear states have been found by the nuclear spectroscopical methods.

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