
This study was aimed to find out the morphology and carbohydrates content of lingual and sub-lingual glands of duck (Anas plathyrinchos). Sample used in this study was lingual and sublingual glands of a one year old female duck. Anatomy morphology and histology of lingual and sublingual glands were observed after processed into histological preparation and stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) then stained further with alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5 and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) to detect carbohydrate contents. The results showed that the lingual gland of duck cannot be observed due to its location below the epithelial layer of the tongue. While the sublingual gland of duck has an elongated shape and not granulated like typically glands, located at ventral tongue (dorsoventral lingual) between os mandibulae and covered with musculus digastricus venter oral. Staining with AB pH 2.5 and PAS showed that cytoplasm of secretory cell and secrete of lingual and sublingual glands contain acidic and neutral carbohydrates which indicated a positive reaction with intensity ranging from weak (+) to strong (+++). This study concluded that the lingual and sublingual gland found in female duck is a complex tubular gland with mucous secretory cells type. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • This study was aimed to find out the morphology and carbohydrates content of lingual and sub-lingual glands of duck (Anas plathyrinchos)

  • The results showed that the lingual gland of duck cannot be observed due to its location below the epithelial layer of the tongue

  • Studi histologi dan histokimia kelenjar submandibularis dan kelenjar parotis tupai (Tupaia glis) dengan tinjauan khusus pada jenis dan distribusi karbohidrat

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Jurnal Medika Veterinaria

Vol 10 No 2, Mei 2016 dikaji, karena berhubungan erat dengan pengaruh asupan gizi, asupan makanan, dan penelanan serta untuk mendukung pengenalan terhadap patologis dari organ tersebut. Morfologi kelenjar lingualis telah dilaporkan oleh beberapa peneliti sebelumnya, seperti pada unggas (Jackowiak dan Godynicki, 2005; Crole dan Soley, 2008; Igwebuike dan Eze, 2010; Tivane et al, 2011; Erdogen dan Alan, 2012). Kandungan karbohidrat kelenjar saliva secara histokimia juga telah dilaporkan pada beberapa hewan yaitu tupai (Zainuddin et al, 2000), sapi (Adnyane et al, 2007), domba (Lennep et al, 1977), anjing, kucing dan babi (Adnyane, 2009), baboon (Tandler dan Erlandson, 1976), kelelawar (little brown bat), dan manusia (Riva dan Riva-Testa, 1973). Informasi yang spesifik tentang morfologi dan kandungan karbohidrat kelenjar lingualis dan sublingualis pada itik masih belum ada yang melaporkan. Oleh karena itu perlu studi lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui morfologi dan kandungan karbohidrat kelenjar lingualis dan sublingualis itik (Anas plathyrinchos)

Struktur Makroanatomi Kelenjar lingualis
Struktur Mikroanatomi Kelenjar lingualis
Sitoplasma sel mukus Sublingual
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