
16 – 20 May 2021Edited by: Souad MESDOUR-HAMMADOU University M’hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Algeria Ali-Nordine LEKLOU University of Nante, France Preface The 2nd International Symposium on Materials Chemistry has taken place in Boumerdes Algeria on 16 – 20 May 2021 in the Virtual Scientific Meeting form The Second Symposium on Materials Chemistry (ISyMC2021) aims to bring international and national researchers to high-level exchange on emerging solutions and technologies in the fields of materials science. This international symposium organized by Chemistry department of the University M’hamed Bougara Boumerdes, aims to encourage exchange between participants on the most recent advances in chemical engineering, chemistry materials science, and energetic materials, etc.Over 951 submissions were submitted to us. These papers have gone through a strict reviewing process performed by our international reviewers. All the submissions were double-blind reviewed, both the reviewers and the authors remaining anonymous. With the hard work from the reviewers, only 230 abstracts were finally accepted. The symposium will cover different topics linked to materials synthesis and characterization, interfacial phenomena, systems and materials optimization and modeling. Leading scientists and researchers will share their recent progress and stimulate discussions on multidisciplinary research activities. These communications were divided into four chapters:1. Inorganic Materials Chemistry Keywords: concrete and cementitious composites, ceramics matrix and glass, Metals and alloys2. Organic Materials Chemistry Keywords: polymer matrix composites, nanocomposites, Elastomers and rubber, Paint, varnishes and glues, Resins and solvents...3. Green Processes Keywords: Wood and paper Ecology, Water treatment, Biomass Valorisation, Sustainable chemistry, Renewable energy, Waste management and recovery, recycling, life cycle analysis and sustainability...4. Processing and manufacturing technologies Keywords: Experimental techniques standardization, nanotechnologies.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe editors wish to express their gratitude to all the participants of the International Symposium of Materials Chemistry 2021 and its Proceedings: plenary speakers, invited speakers, contributed paper authors and speakers, members of the organizing committee, and members of the scientific committee. Special thanks to all for bringing valuable expertise to pave the way of research into the future. Dr. IREKTI Amar ISyMC’2021 Chair University M’hamed Bougara Boumerdes, Algeria CONFERENCE CHAIR, SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE are available in the pdf

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