
The absorption and binding energy of material plays an important role with a large surface area and conductivity for the development of any sensing device. The newly grown 2D nanomaterials like black phosphorus transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) or graphene have excellent properties for sensing devices’ fabrication. This paper summarizes the progress in the area of the 2D nanomaterial-based surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor during last decade. The paper also focuses on the structure of Kretschmann configuration, the sensing principle of SPR, its characteristic parameters, application in various fields, and some important recent works related to SPR sensors have also been discussed, based on the present and future scope of this field. The present paper provides a platform for researchers to work in the field of 2D nanomaterial-based SPR sensors.


  • The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology has drawn much attention around the whole world, due its versatility for optical device application

  • The present paper comprehensively reports the latest technological advancement in SPR sensors based on 2D materials

  • This paper highlights the fundamentals of surface plasmon, along with selected research work on SPR sensors based on 2D materials, published during the last ten years (2010–2020)

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The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology has drawn much attention around the whole world, due its versatility for optical device application. SPR sensors, i.e., gold, copper or silver planar films have been utilized for around 30 years as refractive index-based sensors to detect the binding of analytes on or near a metal surface. RAonugihncaidpehnottolidgehttecistogruoirdiemdatgherro.uTghhe ainpcirdisemntolingthot aenxcSitPeRs tsheenssourrfcahcieppalnadsmthoenrseifnletchteedsebnesaomr cishidpet(emcteetdaltfihlrmou)gaht aanpahpoptordopetreicattoeraonrgilme (argeesro.nTahneceinacnidgelen)t, laignhdt tehxecisttersenthgethsuorffatcheeprleaflsemctoends liingthhtedsreonpssortochaipm(imniemtaul mfil.mS)PaRt a’snealpecptrroopmraiagtneeatnicglfiee(lrdespoennaentcreataensgtlhee), flauniddtichemsetrdeinugmth, aonfdthme orelefcleucltaerdbliingdhitndgropproscteosasems itnakime upmla.ceSPoRn’stheelescutrrofamcea,gansewticelfliealsdcpheannegtersatienstthhee rfelufriadcitcivmeeidniduemx ,inanthdemflouliedciuclmarebdiinudmin.g processes take place on the surface, as well as changes in the refractive index in the fluidic medium This sensor structure covered four layers of different materials, in which Gold (Au) or Silver (Ag) film is installed as a metal layer on the top of the coupling prism and the 2D material layer coated on the metal film surface for a biomolecular recognition element. TThhee eexxpprreessssiioonn nn((kk)) == 11..3333 ++ ∆Δnnaa rreepprreesseennttss tthhee ccoommpplleexx rreeffrraaccttiivvee iinnddeexx ooff tthhee sseennssiittiivvee mmeeddiiuumm aanndd Δ∆nnaa rreepprreesseennttss tthhee cchhaannggee iinn rreeffrraaccttiivvee iinnddeexx ooff sseennssiinngg mmeeddiiuumm aass aa rreessuulltt ooff tthhee bbiioollooggiiccaall oorr cchheemmiiccaall rreeaaccttiioonn

Mathematical Modeling
Characteristic Parameters
Metal Layer
Selection of Glass Prism
Detection of SPR Sensor
SPR Biosensors
SPR Sensor for Food Quality and Safety
SPR Sensor for Material Characterization
SPR Sensor for the Study of the Physical Quantities
SPR as Chemical Sensor
Full Text
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