
In the beginning of March the 27th annual scientific and practical conference took place in the Moscow State Pedagogical University in association with the Herzen State Pedagogical University and School No. 1561. This year the conference was devoted to the topic of Language and Person. As usual, the two-day conference was divided into two parts: one started with the opening of the Conference and reports made by university students, while in the second part the floor was given to school students who participated in nine sections. On the 2nd of March, participance of the conference were greeted by distinguished professors, such as academician A. V. Lubkov, rector of the Herzen University S. V. Tarasov, director of the Institute of Philology Ye. G. Chernysheva, and professor I. S. Uryupin. The conference was anchored by O. Ye. Drozdova and its jury included scholars of leading universities and schoolteachers. Dozens of university and school students from Russia and abroad took part in the Conference. They presented thirty reports on a variety of topics: language portrayal of people and characters of literature; language of different social groups; language worldview; linguistical influence on people; language as a professional tool, etc. More than a hundred participants joined discussion panels — person in language worldviews now and then; language portrayal of characters in literature; and the language of communication of teachers and students in social networks — hosted by Ye. B. Yakovenko, A. I. Dunev, G. D. Polyakova, respectively. Discussion panels were followed by a linguistic game. Participants of the conference were awarded diplomas. Discussion of reports, communication of students with jury members, famous philologists, answers to questions from conference participants create an atmosphere of creativity and make students want to continue searching for new knowledge, logical connections, and linguistic discoveries.

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