
### 21998 #### Enhanced Myocardial Repair with CardioChimeras Pearl J Quijada, Jonathan D Cubillo, Claudio Staub, Mark A Sussman; San Diego State Univ, San Diego, CA Dual stem cell transplantation of c-kit positive cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) after infarction support modest improvements in cardiac function, however there are currently no reports substantiating a single stem cell type supporting both direct and indirect mechanisms of myocardial repair. Therefore we created a CardioChimera, a stem/progenitor cell formed by fusion between CPCs and MSCs, resulting in a unique progeny superior to either individual precursor. CardioChimeras were purified after cell fusion with Hemagglutinating virus of Japan and expanded clonally based on dual expression of fluorescent proteins mCherry and eGFP from CPCs and MSCs respectively. CardioChimeras are mono-nucleated, have comparable growth kinetics to parental CPCs and MSCs and display increased cellular size unrelated to cell cycle arrest and/or senescence. CardioChimeras have increased expression of cardiomyogenic lineage markers cardiac troponin T (2.5-fold), smooth muscle 22 (9.3-fold), and CD31 (10.7-fold) concomitantly associated with decreased c-kit protein expression (50%) relative to parent CPCs. Lineage commitment of CardioChimeras is bolstered by dexamethasone treatment measured by mRNA levels of cardiogenic genes and increases in active mitochondria (2.2-fold) after labeling with MitoTracker. Induction of apoptosis is blunted in cardiomyocytes co-cultured with CardioChimeras compared to co-culturing with CPCs and MSCs alone, or combination of non-fused parent cells. CardioChimeras enhance cardiomyocyte growth similar to parent MSCs owing to an increased propensity to secrete pro-growth factors. Collectively, CardioChimeras represent an adaptable cell therapy combining the beneficial properties of CPCs to undergo cardiac specific commitment as well as MSCs that foster an improved microenvironment with protective paracrine secretion. Clinically, CardioChimeras merge the application of distinct cell types into a single entity for increased engraftment, mitigation of inflammation and blunting the progression of heart failure by promoting myocardial regeneration. …

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