s of articles, books, and conference papers from nearly 2,500 journals published in 35 countries; citations of relevant dissertations as well as books and other media. Available in print or electronically through the Internet Database Service from Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (www.csa.com). Contact sales@csa.com for trial Internet access or a sample issue. sociological abstracts Published by CSA Cambridge Scientific Abstracts 7200 Wisconsin Avenue I Tel: +1301-961-6700 1 E-Mail: sales@csa.com Bethesda, Maryland 20814 USA I Fax: +1 301-961-6720 I Web: www.csa.com This content downloaded from on Fri, 14 Oct 2016 04:19:09 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms A Mouton de Gruyter Journal International Journal of the Sociology of Language General Editor: Joshua A. Fishman ISSN 0165-2516 Six issues per volume (approx. 960 pages). The International Journal of the Sociology of Language seeks to attract readers and con tributors from all parts of the world and from all disciplines that pertain to the study of language use in social behavior. The journal is dedicated to the develop ment of the sociology of language and seeks to contribute to the growth of language related knowledge, applications, values, and sensitivities. Five of its annual issues are topically focused, all of the articles in such issues being commissioned in advance. Contributions are, however, particularly invited on small languages and small lang uage communities. The Editorial Board, comprising 50 leaders in the field from various countries, coope rates with the General Editor to ensure that the journal represents international and interdisciplinary, theoretical and empirical approaches to the study of language. Forthcoming issues: Sociolinguistics in Croatia, edited by Rudolf Filipovic and Damir Kalogjera (147) Aspects of Sociolinguistics in Iran, edited by Yahya Modarresi (148) Between Koineization and Standardization: New World Spanish, edited by Margarita Hidalgo (149) Prices are subject to change Digraphia: ^Writing Systems and Society, edited by Stephane Grivelet (150) Serbian Sociolinguistics, edited by Milorad Radovanovic and Randall A. Major (151) Singles Issue: Language Contact Issues, edi ted by Florian Coulmas (152) International Journal of the Sociology of Language online Online access is now available to all institu tional subscribers of the print version at no extra charge. To register for free online access or for more information, please con tact us at wdg-info@deGruyter.de Subscription rates for the 2001 Volume (Issues 147-152): Institutions/Libraries DM 459,/ 234,68 / ?S 3.351 (RRP) / sFr 395 / *US$ 242.00 (Price includes online access at no extra charge) Individuals DM 98/ 50,11 / ?S 715 (RRP) / sFr 86/ *US$ 52.00 Price per issue DM 77 / 39,37 / ?S 562(RRP) / sFr 68/ *US$ 40.00 All prices plus postage * US$ prices apply only to orders placed in North America. WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH & CO. KG Genthiner Stra?e 13 10785 Berlin Telefon +49-(0)30-2 60 05-0 Fax +49-(0)30-2 60 05-251 www.deGruyter.de W DE G Mouton de Gruyter Berlin New York This content downloaded from on Fri, 14 Oct 2016 04:19:09 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms Amerasia Journal Transnationalism and the Asian American Experience Editor: Russell C Leoho POSTCOLONIAt AS??N AMERICAN NARRATIVES VoL 20:1 (1994)-?Dimension? of Desire, Asian American Sexuality VoL 21:1-2 (1995)?Thinking Theory in Asian American Studies VoL 25:3 (?999>?Political Culture of South Asian Americans Beyond Orientalism: Counterhegemonic Perspectives VoL 22:1 (1996)?Asian Americans and Religion VoL 22:3 (1996)~Trarana?onaiism and Asian Americans VoL 26:3 (2000)?Across the Colorline Expatriates & Exiles: Nsw Asian American Discourse Vol 19:3 <l993H~*rhe Asian American Subject VoL 23:1 (1997)~-~Asian-Descenf Muitiracials VoL 20:2 (1994)?Asian American Poetics VoL 24:2 (1998)?-American Empire in the Philippines Subscriptions: IndMdual-lyear $35.00 inrtftytfoiisr-tyew $55*00 Published three tlmesayear. Information about AmerasiaJournal isalsoavailableat? UCLA Asian American StudiesCenter website www.sscnet.ucla/aasc Backissues$13.00 each, plus $4.00 postageandhandling. California residents add 7.75% sales tax, Los Angeles residents 8-25%. Make checks payable to: UC Regents Mailing Address: Publications UCLA Asian American Studies Center 3230 Campbell Hall, Box 951546 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1546 (310)825-2968 FAX(310)206-9844 l~
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