
A symmetrical cyanine dye was previously shown to bind as a cofacial dimer to alternating A-T sequences of duplex DNA. Indirect evidence suggested that dimerization of the dye occurred in the minor groove. 1H NMR experiments reported here verify this model based on broadening and shifting of signals due to protons on carbon 2 of adenine and imino protons at the central five A-T pairs of the 11 base pair duplex: 5'-GCGTATATGCG-3'/3'-CGCATATACGC-5'. This binding mode is similar to that of distamycin A, even though the dye lacks the hydrogen-bonding groups used by distamycin for sequence-specific recognition. Surprisingly, the third base pair (G-C) was also implicated in the binding site. UV-vis experiments were used to compare the extent of dimerization of the dye for 11 different sequence variants. These experiments verified the importance of a G-C pair at the third position: replacing this pair with A-T suppressed dimerization. These results indicate that the dye binding site spans six base pairs: 5'-GTATAT-3'. The initial G-C pair seems to be important for widening the minor groove rather than for making important contacts with the dye molecules since inverting its orientation to C-G or replacing it with I-C still led to favorable dimerization of the dye.

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