
Once Spain had put an end to the Franco dictatorship, it converted a successful democratic country. The recent period has seen spanish policy based on a consciously designed model of relations that has been characterized as global and international multilateralism, thus one area where it attempted to create room for manoeuvre internationally was the Mediterranean. For improving the mediterranean policy, Spain played a more active role in European Union to serve its national interests. Furthermore, under growing international pressure Spain take on more responsibility in areas such as development assistance and conflict management, participate international activities and assemblies to strengthen the spanish major role in Mediterranean. By the neorealism theory as the research method is canvassed in the framwork of the thesis. Based of emphasizing national interest, internationl co-operation and cooperative regime, the spanish mediterranean foreign policy will analyze through these three principal points of neorelism conception, hence explain the behavior that Spain had pushed hard for it’s mediterranean policy in order to cultivate national position and advantage in the world. The reach had been revealed that Spain’s best interests are represented by joining the operations of principal international bodies(the EU, NATO and UN) and by those which promote the mediterranean initiatives of the various international activities over the Barcelona Process, CSCM, 5+5 Dialogue, Alliance of Civilization, Euro Mediterranean Neighborhood Policy and so on. Being the supreme multilateral framwork, Spain was required to play a new international role and became the main areas where it felt it could assume a role of some importance.

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