
June 22, 1941, Germany started military attack on Soviet Union. It was the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The government of Soviet Union made use of all kinds of propaganda tools to raise people's patriotic spirit, such as posters, broadcasts, newspaper, music, paints, comics and dramas. The government's main purpose was united people under the slogan of ”all for the frontline” and ”all for the victories”. However, Soviet Union can mobilize its people to join war in short period of time had to do with the new cultural system establish from the twenties to thirties. The formation of Soviet Union's literature and art policy went through the leadership of Lenin and Stalin and was under government's control. In the mean time, the images of women had become an important material in Soviet Union's propaganda resources. This phenomenon is related to Stalin's emphasize on the image of almighty women. In this thesis, I will discuss the images of mother, worker and partisan of women to understand its connotations and effects in cultural policy in the Great Patriotic War.

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