
Tangchun-dae was a hill area located between the Han’yang capital and the Bukhan-san mountain. It was the final line of defense to protect the Capital city. Earlier, around the 17SUPth/SUP century the Joseon capital had already fallen to enemy attacks several times, so in an effort to remedy the problem, the Joseon government in the 18SUPth/SUP century tried to reinforce the capital defense system, utilizing the Tangchun-dae area.BR First, during the reign of King Sukjong, fortresses were constructed around the Capital city, as well as Mt. Bukhan in the city’s rear. Military chain of command was also revised, while a weapon & food supply depot (alongside a fortress) was installed at Tangchun-dae, between the capital city and Mt. Bukhan. Defense strategies were updated accordingly as well.BR Despite Sukjong’s efforts, however, there was a fundamental flaw in this Tangchun-dae-centered strategy. Constructed fortresses were far from serving as efficient defense barriers. More importantly, there were not enough soldiers to man them, and the situation got only worse due to shortage of weapons and food supply. These problems became even more evident in the stage of subduing the Mushin-year rebellion in 1728, 4SUPth/SUP year of King Yeongjo’s reign. So in the early half of the Yeongjo reign, the task of reinforcing overall food supply for the soldiers was put in motion, utilizing incoming revenue from the Daedong tax(大同稅).BR Meanwhile, as an extension of these former efforts The Chong’yung-cheong office was moved to the Tangchun-dae area in 1747, 23SUPrd/SUP year of King Yeongjo’s reign. And entering the latter half of the Yeongjo reign, local areal defense continued to be strengthened with the Chong’yung-cheong office at the center of such plan. The number of resident troops were increased, while fortresses were reinforced. Management of weapons also got enhanced, with in-house supply of weapons using gunpowder–including the Jochong rifles-secured. All these endeavors vastly contributed to the upgrade of capital defense.

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