
In any stored-program computer system, information is constantly transferred between the memory and the instruction processor. Machine instructions are a major portion of this traffic. Since transfer bandwidth is a limited resource, inefficiency in the encoding of instruction information (low code density) can have definite hardware and performance costs. Starting with a parameterized baseline RISC design, we compare performance for two instruction encodings for the same instruction processing core. One is a variant of DLX, a typical 32-bit RISC instruction set. The other is a 16-bit format which sacrifices some expressive power while retaining essential RISC features. Using optimizing compilers and software simulation, we measure code density and path length for a suite of benchmark programs, relating performance differences to specific instruction set features. We measure time to completion performance while varying memory latency and instruction cache size parameters. The 16-bit format is shown to have significant cost-performance advantages over the 32-bit format under typical memory system performance constraints.

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