Varicocele is an abnormal dilatation of the internal spermatic veins of the spermatic cord. It has an estimated prevalence of 15% in young male adults. Even though most of them are asymptomatic, scrotal pain and testicular hypotrophy are frequent in children and adolescents. There is controversy regarding the indications and optimal approach for treatment purposes. We present the results of our 15-year series in the laparoscopic repair of pediatric varicocele. 238 patients diagnosed with varicocele and undergoing laparoscopic repair from 2006 to 2020 were reviewed. Variables collected included age, symptoms, grade, testicular atrophy, hospital stay, perioperative complications, recurrences, and formation of reactive hydrocele. Mean follow-up was 5.6 years (6months-9 years). Mean age was 14.1 years. 188 patients had grade III varicocele. In 14 cases, varicocele was bilateral. Testicular atrophy at diagnosis was found in 42% of patients, 74% of whom were over 15 years old. 51 patients had testicular pain. All patients underwent laparoscopic treatment. Mean operating time was 36 min. Median hospital stay was 31 h. Recurrence rate was 2.1%. 43 patients (18%) developed hydrocele, but only 27 (11.2%) required hydrocelectomy according to Lord's plication at least 1 year following laparoscopy. Of the remaining 16 cases, 2 spontaneously resolved and 14 remained stable in the mean 7-year follow-up. In 7.1%, paresthesias were noted in the anterior-internal aspect of the left thigh. Based on our series, we believe laparoscopy should be regarded as the gold standard technique in the pediatric population. Laparoscopic varicocelectomy is technically easy and fast, causes no pain, and has a recurrence rate of 1%. The procedures involving lymphatic vessel preservation could reduce reactive hydrocele rates as a long-term complication to a minimum.
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