
Rose diseases affect rose growers at all levels. This chapter describes production cycle for the typical garden rose. Variations on that procedure are used to produce miniature roses, roses destined for greenhouse growers, tree roses, and own-root shrub roses. Rose powdery mildew is caused by Sphaerotheca pannosa var. rosae . The fungus can infect immature foliage and canes, and flowers. Starting as a small red spot, the colonies form the typical white powdery covering of mycelium and spores. Severe infection causes leaves to desiccate and fall. Stem infections frequently turn into unsightly, superficial, rough, brown cankers. Virus and virus-like diseases of rose include rose mosaic, caused primarily by prunus necrotic ringspot, apple mosaic and arabis mosaic, rose streak, rose ringpattern, rose spring dwarf, and rose rosette. They cause a range of symptoms from leaf patterns to growth deformations. None of these diseases is spread mechanically from rose to rose, and only rose rosette is known to have a vector in roses. The others are believed to be spread in roses only through grafting. Thus, these diseases are primarily a concern for rose producers.

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