Siyasi tarihimizde demokrasinin kesintiye ugratildigi ‘ara rejim' olarak yerini alan 12 Mart (1971) donemi, basta dusunce ve basin ozgurlugu olmak uzere temel hak ve ozgurluklerin kisitlandigi bir donemdir. Bircok gazeteci, yazar ve aydinin tutuklandigi, gazetelerin kapatildigi, kitaplarin toplatildigi, yayin yasaklarinin getirildigi bu donemde Ortam dergisi, muhalif bir ses olarak ayakta kalma mucadelesi vermistir. 12 Mart Muhtirasi'ndan kisa bir sure sonra haftalik bir dergi olarak yayin hayatina baslayan Ortam, 1971 yilinin nisan ve kasim aylari arasinda toplam 23 sayi yayimlanmistir. Gunluk, buyuk gazetelerin ardindan yuksek tirajiyla genis bir okur kitlesine ulasan dergide Mumtaz Soysal, Muammer Aksoy, Hifzi Veldet Velidedeoglu gibi akademisyenlerin yani sira, Ilhami Soysal, Ali Sirmen, Nimet Arzik, Nadir Nadi, Sadun Tanju, Refik Erduran gibi o donemin oldugu kadar gunumuzun de onemli gazetecileri/yazarlari gorev almistir. Aydin Engin, Osman Ulagay ve Ugur Mumcu ise profesyonel gazetecilige Ortam'da baslamislardir. Bu calismanin amaci, Ortam dergisinin 12 Mart donemindeki muhalif durusunu ortaya koymaktir. Ortam'in yayimlanmis toplam 23 sayisinin, tekil tarama yontemiyle nitel icerik analizi yapilmis ve derginin yazi isleri mudurlerinden Aydin Engin'le gorusulmustur. ‘Partilerustu Hukumet' ve ‘Reform Hukumeti' olma iddiasiyla goreve gelen Nihat Erim Kabinesinin uygulamalarina, basta anayasa degisikligi olmak uzere karsi cikan; gunluk basinin ayrintili yer vermedigi donemin siyasi durusmalarina sayfalarini ayiran; isci haklarini, temel hak ve ozgurlukleri savunan Ortam'in, demokrasiden yana bir durus sergiledigi gorulmektedir. Anahtar Sozcukler: 12 Mart donemi, 12 Mart Muhtirasi, Ortam/Yeni Ortam Dergisi Abstract: A Review in Opposition in the Period 12th March (1971): Ortam The 12th March (1971) period which has been characterized as an ‘interim regime' in our political history, is a phase in which basic human rights, such as freedom of thought and freedom of the press were put under restraint. The Ortam review struggled to survive as a ‘dissident voice' during this period in which a large number of writers and intellectuals had been arrested and many newspapers, periodicals and books had been censored. Starting its publication life right after the military intervention on March 12, as a weekly review, Ortam published 23 issues between April and November of 1971. The review had a high circulation which was close to those of popular daily newspapers. Many academics such as Mumtaz Soysal, Muammer Aksoy, Hifzi Veldet Velidedeoglu and many important journalists/writers like Ilhami Soysal, Ali Sirmen, Ugur Mumcu, Nimet Arzik, Nadir Nadi, Sadun Tanju, Refik Erduran wrote for the review. Aydin Engin, Osman Ulagay and Ugur Mumcu also started their journalism careers with the Ortam review. The main objective of this work is to portray the opposing stance of Ortam during the 12 March period. The 23 issues of the review have been ‘qualitatively' content analyzed by the single screening method and Aydin Engin, the chief editor of Ortam, has been interviewed. With its position against the operations - especially the constitutional amendments- of the Nihat Erim government, which had taken office with the promise of being a ‘Supra-political Forces Government' and ‘A Government of Reformation' and with its pages reserved to the political trials which had been ignored by the popular daily newspapers and with its support on workers' rights, on basic human rights and freedoms, we can clearly observe that Ortam possessed a pro-democracy view. Key Words: The Period March 12th, military intervention 12th March 1971, Ortam/Yeni Ortam review
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