
The CO2CRC Otway Project, is Australia's first demonstration of geological storage of CO2. During 2008–2009 approximately 65 000t of 80/20 CO2 and methane were injected into a depleted gas field at a depth of approximately 2000m. An extensive programme of monitoring was put in place of the Waarre Sandstone reservoir and the overlying intervals such as aquifers, soils and the atmosphere. It proved difficult to use 3D seismic to monitor CO2 behaviour in the depleted gas field because of the presence of residual methane, but U-tube sampling provided important insights into the speed of migration of CO2 within the reservoir and associated geochemical changes. Extrapolation of Otway results to depleted gas fields suggests they could be a major storage opportunity. A new programme of carbon capture and storage research at the site is being done, with a range of innovative experiments, further advancing knowledge of CO2 storage.

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