
Police in the face of petty offences - that is, a few words about how the law of petty offences has developed and what role of the Police is (and has been) in fighting against them since Poland regained its independence. Petty offences are minor acts and there are many of them in the surrounding area . These are actions that are very burdensome for residents and affect their sense of security. A petty offence is the most frequently committed prohibited act that society is, and has historically been, confronted with, and the main reason for citizens to report to police officers. Petty offences, in particular those related to disturbing public order, quiet hours , littering and drinking alcohol in prohibited areas are, due to their nature and frequency, the most burdensome acts in society. These acts are often combined with each other and are committed simultaneously. Due to the prevalence of petty offences, they affect the general public. The Code of Petty Offences contains a catalog of penalties and a number of other ways of responding to petty offenses committed. The ways in which the police react and practice have changed over the years, just as the whole of the broader law of petty offences has changed. Its development began after Poland gained its independence in 1918. The Constitution of March 1921 did not directly decide on the model of adjudication in cases of petty offences, but adopted an important principle - the citizen's right to a fair trial (Articles 72 and 98).

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